
筆記一下 其實忘了之前的出處

Instead, the study found that a combination of intelligence and conservatism proved to be much more effective. Leaders that took the time to listen and learn about their companies and their industry had a greater level of successfully leading their organizations.

If, on the other hand, you would like to improve your personal charisma, focus on these general rules:

Be as self-confident as possible. 

Optimism about yourself can go a long way to making you more charismatic. 

At the very least, do not talk about your issues in the workplace or in a setting where your impression matters. 

If you need help with personal things, seek help either from friends, family or professionals.

In conversation and in social settings, be careful when using humor. 

Don't be too self-deprecating, and stay away from bad jokes. 

Instead, be tuned in with current events and with what is going on around you. 

It is better to give a compliment and know an interesting fact than to try to make fun of yourself.
Don't ever fake a smile. 

People will be able to tell right away. 

Instead, no matter what you look like or how you feel, own the space around you by being open and approachable.

Don't have an ego during a conversation. 

If you are an introvert, it is much better to learn to ask great questions than to learn to speak about yourself for ten minutes straight.
Following from the last point, be an active listener. 

You'll be amazed how attractive you will be when you ask a few questions and actively listen to what people have to say.


Menopause ready go~

Joe DeVito, Middle-Aged Dating 太好笑了:

Man laughs, but woman goes : What about Carol?

突然MTO又開始發email給我, 心想隨興吧, log-in, 就給他們通通按 見面吧,

middle-aged 老人現今如何自處於世;

, 結果 全軍覆沒 全無音訊,

, 嫌哥問我: 您退休了嗎?   [我中樂透就退休,可惜啊]
才剛剛知道點八卦, 還真為嫌哥]


原本就對年齡sensitive 又遇到menopause issue,  


結果, 自己真可笑

於冥冥之中安排 又聽到鄧醫生廣播中的故事:

媽媽教導女孩, 妳若要因為弟弟不和妳玩, 因為別人的關係, 就傷心哭泣的話


如當頭棒喝般 提醒自己, 別犯這樣幼稚的錯誤.

Remember starting to eat less and exercise more, so you won't gain too much weight
- 就是得老化,  努力著吧  

Here some tips for staying healthy during menopause :

1. Eat Foods Rich in Calcium and Vitamin D

2. Achieve and Maintain a Healthy Weight

3. Eat Lots of Fruit and Vegetables

4. Avoid Trigger Foods

5. Exercise Regularly

6. Eat More Foods That Are High in Phytoestrogens

7. Drink Enough Water

8. Reduce Refined Sugar and Processed Foods

9. Don't Skip Meals

10. Eat Protein-Rich Foods

11. Take Natural Supplements

Source from : 11 Natural Ways to Reduce Symptoms of Menopause




實在是他的聲音 too tender how can one resist


定點表跳出來時, 心頭一驚, 明明無人在意,

雖說, 上一週陪友入場時, 特別挑他的點;
後來幫忙友人練習時, 也遠遠招呼;
但在同一點.  我會不會成為麻煩?
未料, 光是前往裝水更衣室途中就先見到了前一場的延遲,
過去說說話, 關心關心 ~~

(暗中 其實緊張不已)

果然 he's so gentle and nice 包容我的不熟悉,
也不知如何對應, 也罷也罷, 除了工作, 全無交集


其實, 就是這樣啊

只是在錯誤時光中, 尋找那一抹迷失回不來的 笑容


(need to have its closure.)