知道要學習 與雨天共處
要學習 與失敗共處
要學習 與自己共處 ; 這些我都還要認真學習中
This is your life.
Do what you love, and do it often.
If you don't like something, change it.
If you don't like your job, quit.
If you don't have enough time, stop watching TV.
If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.
Stop over analyzing, all emotions are beautiful.
When you eat appreciate every last bite.
Life is simple.
Open your mind, arms, heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences.
ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them.
Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself.
Some opportunities only come once seize them.
Life is about the people you meet and things you create with them; so go out starting creating.
Live your dream and share your passion.
Life is short. written by Dave Mike & Fabian
所以, "你也要堅強"
要學習 與失敗共處
要學習 與自己共處 ; 這些我都還要認真學習中
This is your life.
Do what you love, and do it often.
If you don't like something, change it.
If you don't like your job, quit.
If you don't have enough time, stop watching TV.
If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.
Stop over analyzing, all emotions are beautiful.
When you eat appreciate every last bite.
Life is simple.
Open your mind, arms, heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences.
ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them.
Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself.
Some opportunities only come once seize them.
Life is about the people you meet and things you create with them; so go out starting creating.
Live your dream and share your passion.
Life is short. written by Dave Mike & Fabian
所以, "你也要堅強"
一記悶棍 心情跌谷
雖然不過是個10天通了10msg 的陌生人
甚至也不知photo 是真假,
like he said, he does not need to follow the rules in real,
或許he finds himself too attached ,
or just his wife found out he is messing online,
or something I should not ask?
or some how he finds out sort of dark secret of me ?
and some of the time I did not even really get what does he mean,
I guess, just my jokes not funny enough
well, this is internet, 第一時間 我爽快地 del all the msgs,
don't want to give self any chance to look back, no looking back,
life is moving on!
也是經過大風大浪的何況 who is not JML, a bad guy.
I survive.
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